Where to eat in Camden, London!

Where to eat in Camden, London!

London is probably THE most vegan friendly city in Europe (in a very close competition with Berlin) and it would take weeks or months to eat through the whole city, so I decided to split London up in different sections, beginning with my favorite part of the British capital: Camden! The beautiful Regents Canal in [...]

Vegan Foodie Guide: Guatemala

Vegan Foodie Guide: Guatemala

Guatemala has long been a 'must-go' destination for me, so when I knew that I would be spending some months in Mexico, I just needed to stop by this beautiful and colorful Central American country. Guatemala is for everyone: the adventurous, the nature lover, the culture and history lover and the foodie. I must admit [...]

Probiotics – your guts best friend!

Probiotics – your guts best friend!

Probiotics are beneficial organism, most which are mostly found in the healthy gastrointestinal tract. The probiotics are also called the 'good' or the 'healthy' bacterias because they help restore the natural balance in the guts and overall benefit the digestive system. They are usually added to yoghurts or taken as food supplements. Especially when traveling [...]

Distrito Vegano

Distrito Vegano

Distrito Vegano is a truly hidden gem in the colorful streets of Mérida and what started with a recipe development for a carrot dog ended in a 100% plant based food truck serving some of the most delicious vegan food I have tried yet. Nik and Mike, a Mexi-American couple owns Distrito Vegano and while [...]